Welcome! We are followers of Jesus committed to Worshiping Together, Connecting with One Another, and Serving Our World. We would love it if you joined with us. Visit us this Sunday for celebrative, joyful worship that is reverent, biblical, and practical.
We are committed to gathering together weekly to bring that worship into one focused time and place. Worshiping together is a weekly reminder that God is working in each life. If I am having trouble seeing God’s work in myself this week I will see His work in you.
Regular Worship Hours
9:00 am – SALT (Serve and Learn Together)- during the school year.
10:30 am – Worship Service
Our Statement of Faith:
Our roots are in biblical, historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century. We believe in:
- The Lordship of Jesus Christ who offers us new life. This new life was purchased by Jesus’ atoning sacrifice and resurrection from the dead. We receive this new life as His gift through faith.
- The Bible as God’s Word, the authoritative rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct; inspired and inerrant in its original manuscript.
- The Church as a family of believers, bonded together forever by One Lord, One Faith, and One Spirit.
- The ministry of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity who empowers us to walk in new life, guides the Church to fulfill its mission, and gives spiritual gifts to glorify and serve God.
Leadership Team:

As the primary teaching pastor, Pastor Leon has a passion for unpacking and applying the truths of Scripture. Pastor Leon has been pastoring here since 2010. He and his wife Anna, have two married daughters and 5 granddaughters in the New England area.

Pastor Dave’s main responsibility is teaching the youth. Dave has enjoyed his ministry here for over 30 years. He and his wife, Linda have two sons. Dave also enjoys coaching various sports here in the town of Woodstock. He is passionate about teaching and empowering the youth.
Office Staff:

Monica and her husband, Phil, have been serving the Lord together since their marriage in 1995. They have 2 children, Michaela and Ben. Monica graduated from Bob Jones University in 1994 and majored in elementary and music education. She now uses her talents to serve the people of our church in both the office and in leading worship.