We are committed to providing ministries that are safe, fun, and intentional about helping each child learn about God’s love. We offer:
- Children’s Worship ages 3 years to 5th grade during the Sunday Worship service
- Nursery
- AWANA Club
- Young Family Events throughout the year
- Jr. and Sr. High student programs. More information HERE.
We offer nursery care to children birth-3 years old during the morning worship service.
This worship time is offered during the morning sermon at the worship service for children ages 3-Grade 5. During this time children are involved in a weekly bible lesson/movie and activity time.
Awana Clubs, an International Christian children’s program, meets on Wednesday’s during the school year from 6:00-7:30pm at our church. We welcome all kids from 3 years old through fifth grade. Come learn about God, His special gift of salvation to us, and His special book, the Bible. For more information about this exciting program please call the church at 860-928-0486, or visit the AWANA website at www.awana.org
There are events tailored for the schedules of families with children sprinkled throughout the year- hiking, bowling, game nights, etc.