Small Groups
Small groups are the main way we connect with one another; the core of our discipleship. Through small groups we live out Christ’s call to live in spiritual community by befriending, encouraging, and building up one another. We have Small Groups in member homes or the church building on various days and times.  The size of the group is typically between 6 and 16. Small Groups meet during the school year and take the summer off. Each group is autonomous and sets its own schedule and topics. We are always looking for a reason to start a new group, so you could be that reason. Let us know what would work for you. To join a group,  click below!
Dan and Maria O’Neill
O’Neill Home
Sundays, 12:15PM
Leon and Anna Engman & Craig and Vicki Embree
Engman Home
Sundays, 6:30PM
Wes Towle
Church Fireside Room
Sundays, 6:00PM
Men Reading Scripture with Pastor Leon
Church Fireside Room
Mondays, 6:30PM
Men’s Bible Study
Bruce Johnson’s Home (34 Fairfield Drive, Woodstock)
Tuesdays, 8:00AM
BSF Women’s Bible Study-Sharlet Hull and Sue Haley
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM
Fireside Room
Spiritual Running Partners-Carolyn Rogers (women’s group)
Location Varies
Every other Thursday, 1:30 PM 
The Bridge: Young Adults Group- Hunter Towle & Nevin Beausoleil
Location Varies
Tuesdays 7-9 PM
Spiritual Running Partners-Jeff Berridge (men’s group) 
Location varies
Every other Wednesday at 6:30
Mom to Mom (Jenny Gillett and Tina Gallant)
Church Fireside Room
Every other Friday, 10:00 am
Robert and Ruth Brownell
Fireside Room
Wednesdays, 7:00PM
Women’s Bible Study-Monica Cannistraci
Fireside Room
Thursdays, 9:00 AM
Paul and Karen Ryll
Fireside Room
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00PM
Mark and Natalie Parker
Strand/Johnson Homes
Every other Friday, 7:00PM
Mending the Soul (Day & Time TBD)
Gail Carley
Contact Gail: #401-286-9275